Fröhliche Menschen schauen in die Kamera

Health Insurance in Germany, this is how it works!

It is required by law that everybody in Germany has health insurance. This ensures that everyone can be treated in the case of an illness.

German health insurance is characterized by a dual system consisting of statutory health insurance and private health insurance. Most people are insured through a statutory health insurance.

Statutory health insurance contributions are calculated based on your income.

For salaried employees, that earn a maximum of 6.150,00 Euro a month this is he right choice.

Private Health insurances are only accepting people, that earn more than 6.150,00 a month or if they are self employed.

BIG direkt gesund is a statutory health insurance company and stands for fair prices, smart benefits and amazing customer service. Just about everyone can be insured by BIG direkt gesund:

  • Salaried employees
  • Self-employed
  • Students
  • Families
  • Retirees
  • Individuals on government assistance

Become a member quick and simple

Use our online form to become a member

Junger Mann mit Kopfhörer am Bildschirm

What are the contribution rates with BIG in 2025?

The contribution rates are being calculated based on your income as a combination of the standard statutory contribution rate of 14,6% and the additional individual contribution rate of 3,39%. The contributions are shared 50/50 between employer and employee. As an employee you only pay 8,995%. This means, that people with a higher income pay more for health coverage than people with lower income. Family members with no income may be able to get coverage with no additional cost by being insured through the paying family member.

What benefits are included when being insured through BIG?

Your insurance with BIG includes a wide range of benefits

  • GP (general practitioner) appointments,
  • In-hospital treatment,
  • Out-patient treatments,
  • Surgery,
  • Maternity services,
  • Basic dental care
  • Bandages and dressings
  • Medication
  • Various Aids such as 4-wheeled walker or hearing aids
  • Treatments such as Physiotherapy
  • Sick Pay benefits starting on the 43rd day of your medical leave
  • Family medical leave pay if one of the parents needs to care for a sick child
  • Psychotherapy

What makes BIG stand out from the crowd

Pärchen mit Taschenrechner auf dem Sofa

How can I use the service being offered by BIG

You will receive an insurance card from BIG. Most services and treatments are directly taken care off by using your insurance card. Simply provide your doctor your insurance card at your next visit.

After your examination, your doctor will suggest the appropriate treatment or therapy for you. You may get charged a co-payment for some treatments and medications.

Health Insurance in Germany


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Fröhliche Menschen schauen in die Kamera

Health Insurance in Germany

Health Insurance in Germany easily explained